About the E-LIBRARY

Year of Establishment: year 2008

No. of Books: 1314 estimated count (Some new donated books not included)

No. of Computers Available to the Public : 1 desktop computer
Operating System installed: Licensed Windows XP (Professional, Home)
Applications installed: Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, PDF Reader, 
Norton Antivirus Free Version
Library System used : Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme
Online collection:None


     1. E-Library Instruction
       a. Internet Browsing

     2. Reader’s Advisory Service
      a. General Works
      b. Philosophy/ Psychology
      c. Religion
      d. Social Sciences
      e. Philology or Language
      f. Pure Science
      g. Applied Science
      h. Fine Arts and Recreation
      i. Literature
      j. History, Geography, Biography

3. Library News Bulletin

     4. Information retrieval through internet
a. Free internet, word processing

Library Budget : MOOE/ Donations
Population being served : 4,000 population of QES for the School Year 2011-2012

 - the library will transformed into an ICT  and systematic learning center where 
pupils will be developed and trained  to become dynamic and computer literate, progressive
 and responsive to the demand of technological and advanced society, united in their 
common aspirations of achieving richer and fuller  lives in the  services of God and country.

 - aims to provide accessible quality services and develop a well informed reading society
 thru technology developed system that may contribute to the improvement of the 
academic performance of the pupils.
