Library Hours
8:00 A.M. - 12:00 N.N
1:00 P.M - 5:00 P.M

Library Users:
* all bonafide Quirinians
* teachers and non-teaching personnel
* parent and the community
* researchers from other school

Library Services:

* the library adopts the open and close shelves system. Although the students are free to get books from the shelves, they are forbidden to return the books to the shelves in order to prevent them from being misplaced. All library books are arranged on the shelves according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.
Classification provides a system for organizing library materials.
* Library orientation
* Lending services
* reference assistance
* reliable and secure access to internet for free
* access to library collection
* adequate service hours for optimum access by users

Borrowing books:

Present to the librarian your library card when borrowing and returning books. Students can borrow 2 books for a period of one week. Reference books such as encyclopedia, dictionaries, almanacs, atlases and also magazines, news papers, charts are strictly for library use only.
Lost books should be reprted to the librarian immediately and it must be replaced.

Reminders to Students:
* Eating/ sleeping in the library is prohibited.
* Observe silence, idle conversation, loud laughter and other unnecessary noise must be avoided.
* Keep library clean. Keep things in order. Push back the chair against the table when you leave the library
* Handle the books and other library materials with care. They are intended to serve many users after you.
* Students should not commit such as stealing or hiding books and periodicals, once caught they will be escorted to guidance office for proper actions.


The Quirino Elementary School provides access to electronic information resources through the Internet, we caters' student needs, teachers and non-teaching staff as technology nowadays were in demand.

1. Internet Users is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis only for 2o minutesas we have for now 1 working unit but were hoping after this we will be able to add some units with the help of the Division of City Schools Q.C. thru QCPL e-library. Internet browsing is intended for information resources such as educational and informational purposes for which they are provided and follow these rules and regulations.

2. QES e-library prohibits users for accessing sites such as:

* Pornographic sites and viewing
* Proxy sites
* Social Networking Sites
* Gambling Sites
* Peer to Peer sites
* Auctions sites
* Hate Sites
* Any site engaging in or encouraging illegal activity

3. The school reserves the right to use monitoring software to make sure the school’s AUP is being adhered to by its students, teachers and employees. The school may record and/or monitor one or more students, teachers and employees’ computer and Internet activity for any reason and without any specific notice.

4. By reading this document and using the school computers and internet:
a. You agree that you have had the opportunity to review this agreement and ask any questions regarding this document.
b. You agree to adhere to the school’s AUP.
c. You agree that you will be subject to disciplinary measures, including possible suspension/ termination, if you violate the AUP.

Library Schedule:
Monday - Grade 1 and 2
Tuesday - Grade 3
Wednesday - Grade 4
Thursday - Grade 5
Friday - Grade 6